Wednesday, June 29, 2005

so that's what those lights are for

I was walking back to the dorms tonight with one of the other girls, when she looked up and asked, “What is that?” I followed her gaze up to the streetlights and searched for a minute, but I couldn’t spot anything unusual through the swirling mist. It took me a minute to realize that this is the first misty night we’ve had, and that she was talking about the fog itself. We had a brief chat about its causes, subtypes, and implications – Where does it come from, and when? When does it go away? Is it always low like this? Does it have any connection to rain? Does it always make it this cold? Can it be driven in? Are fog lights the little funny ones I’ve never used?

After the emotional drain of the last two days, this was actually a really great conversation to have – to be able to share something that I know really, really well (big ups to the Salinas 4pm fog), and even just to realize that the things I take for granted as mundane and everyday are brand new to someone else. Right now so much feels brand new for all of us, and I think the most incredible part of this experience is having people to go through all of these new discoveries with.

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