Tuesday, July 05, 2005

how is it only tuesday?

Today: exhaustion.

I just got back from dinner. The tables were all full and my corps can be amazingly cliquey, but eventually I found myself a seat with some girls from Las Vegas. They were hilarious and up in everyone’s business and I really, really liked them. The LA corps is a lot of things, and I suppose friendly is in there somewhere, but it’s not high up on the list.

I’m trying not to fall asleep. We have welcoming ceremonies tonight, and I have to go and represent for my high school in the big cheer-off that’s apparently become a big deal since we initiated and dominated it last year. I told my dining companions what school I’m at, and almost in unison, they told me “Ohhh, we’ve heard about you.” So apparently we’re notorious. Woot.

I’m a little stressed because I’m so incredibly tired and I still have to write those application essays. Between classes, lesson planning, district processing, and this ceremony, I just don’t know when that is going to happen.

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