Thursday, July 21, 2005

can we really be getting through?

We gave our first test today, and I'm in mini-crisis mode I was handed what I was told was the Bad Stack to grade, and the kids are doing so well that one of three things is happening:
1. I was given the Good Stack by accident.
2. I am being way too easy a grader.
3. They are really getting it.
I would like to think that it's #3, but I'm thinking that realistically it's a combination of all three. I don't think this is the Bad Stack, because some names I expected to see were not there, and everyone attempted all the sections. This was not the case for the class as a whole, based on what I saw on the way out of our literacy hour. I am definitely being a bit too easy, but I just can't help but see the good things in their essays. Everything else is much more objective. It's kind of worked out so that my over-niceness can only skew their tests by one letter grade or less. So, even still, they can't be failing in massive numbers.
And for the record, "Doing Really Well" in this case means:
A - 1 (it's a 90.0%)
B - 7
C - 5
D - 6
F - 1
I am really hoping this is the Good Stack and I don't have to re-grade them all during my prep period tomorrow.

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