Monday, March 13, 2006

an update

Remember my first favorite administrator, Mr. B? He is running a cigar shop, now. Apparently he is quite happy.

I have a ton of work to do this week, before my last two credentialing classes and then hopping a plane to Elsewhere. I'm really pretty stressed about it, which isn't cool. At this point I feel like I should be able to breeze my way through anything unfazed. The reality is that, while I do have a new profession, I remain myself, which means I still have to get completely neurotic and make myself sick over everything before I can get it done. Then, I have to analyze it and linger over each and every way it could have been done better were I someone else, someone less inclined to screw everything up.

Lots of pictures of the cat and newly knitted items and my new Ally-Sheedy-in-Breakfast-Club style haircut, but I am on the wrong lappy (we are rocking 3 these days) so you will just have to wait.


siobhan said...

You are so cool! I love Ally Sheedy, and I love that movie! I'll bet it looks so cool! Just don't become Ally Sheedy post-Molly Ringwald makeover. She was oh so much cooler when she was dumping out her purse and throwing things at people.
I feel bad that you are under so much stress :(

siobhan said...

I want to see hair!!!!!!