Wednesday, March 08, 2006

i must say i've had better vacations

So, as you know, I'm a B-tracker, which means our "winter" break started on Monday. It's a blissful/educationally criminal 8 weeks long, and since I've been working straight through since June, I was pretty desperately in need of it.

Monday nights I have class, and this Monday I was supposed to teach a sample lesson to the other teachers. I spent all day modifying and supplementing a not-too-terrible High Point lesson, making handouts, and mentally preparing myself, then set off to class. It was business as usual - I talked to Mom on the metro, met May at Subway to get a sandwich...but decided I didn't really want a sandwich. I wasn't feeling so well all of a sudden. That was about 4:30.

5:00 - Class begins.
5:30 - Starting to have trouble focusing.
5:35 - Realize I'm a little queasy.
6:15 - Stagger the bathroom to splash water on my face. May comes up to check on me and is like "Oh my God."
6:45-7:30 - May drives me home.
8:00-9:00 - Lie in bathtub full of hot water in attempt to stave off vomiting.
9:00-12:00 - Vomiting.
12:15-6:00 (Tuesday) - Tossing, turning, shaking, moaning, interrupted by intermittent trips to bathroom.
9:00 - Aaron goes to Von's to buy me watermelon chunks, the only food I can imagine stomaching.
9:00-5:00 - Too dizzy to stand, I lie in bed, sleeping intermittently and tossing fitfully.
5:00 - Wake up drenched in sweat; take leaning-against-wall-style shower.
5:20- Back in bed.
8:00 - After deciding it is OK to take ibuprofen, I finally feel stable enough to turn on the lappy Aaron left next to me this morning.
9:00-11:30 - Catch up on blogs, mags, Prelinger archives...
11:30 - Aaron gets home from school/gym and makes me some soup. I eat some; Major eats the rest.
12:15 - Back to sleep.
10:00 (Wednesday) - Wake up; feel that standing is an option. Success!

In conclusion, try not to get food poisoning. It sucks. Especially on your first day of vacation.


annie said...

my first thought is "Oh, poor baby".

my second thought is "thank goodness you weren't in cairo!"

i haven't had food poisoning. and am hoping (crossing all extremeties) that i never get to experience that particular form of torture.

and in case you think i'm getting away with murder, i kindly remind you that i birthed two babies without anaesthesia of any sort.


mila said...

awww, cairo's not so bad. my horrible vomiting experience happened in the middle of the desert, while camping, with no real bed and no toilet (though in the desert, everything is your toilet...) in the city itself we have modern plumbing, cozy beds, and emergen-c for rehydration.

salamtik. (that means feel better). your cat and my cat need to have a cute-off competition. word of verification is "ixtzy". that you make a great license plate for a raver. but ravers probably shouldn't be driving...

annie said...

awww pamila, gosh you had one of those out-of-your body experiences too? or maybe, you were feverishly praying you were really out of your body at the moment?

oh, just reading about it makes me wince. ouch

mina said...

Well, it is Friday and I am about to leave the house for the first time since this whole debaucle. Actually I left once before, on Wednesday night, to get some minestrone, which mostly involved sitting in the car and then sitting in Pomodoro. It went okaaayish but it convinced me that a few more days of non-verticality couldn't hurt. Now I have the stir-craziness, though, and I am going practically all the way to Santa Monica. This is the furthest outside my bubble that I have ever ventured by bus in LA. Wish me luck.

Mom, I did actually think of childbirth at some point during that first night. I remember thinking "I want to die" and then "I wonder if people have that same thought when they are giving birth?" Not that the pain is in any way similar, I'm sure, but the perception...

Mila, your cat would need a handicap as he is very tiny. I have many adorable pictures of the Major to post, but nothing he can do could possibly measure up to the tininess.

annie said...

HAHAHA YES the "i want to die" does cross the mind. also, the "i'm going to kill you" directed at the responsible party. and then comes the " i changed my mind" scenario starts.

of course, none of it happens.
