Sunday, November 20, 2005


The only thing worse than having your students fail because they are either a) not getting it or b) not paying attention (and they usually, if not always, get it when they are paying attention) is having to fail students who can do the work because they are cheating off each others' papers. I have not been hard enough on this, but that changes now, especially since I have talked to one of these kids about it before. I wish I could say it just makes me sad - and that's what I'm going to tell them - but in all honesty, it pisses me off. I know they're insecure and they're scared because they're all on the pass/fail border, but you'd think that would make them more inclined to do their own work, not less. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with them? Do they think I won't notice that they are all writing the exact same misspelled sentences in the free response section? It drives me crazy, because I already know that they will look me straight in the eye and tell me they absolutely did not cheat. Then they will explode in rage at the merest suggestion that I might take off any points. Boy, will they be surprised when I tear up their papers and they get a zero for the assignment.

That is my grading pen, right there. Woot.

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