Friday, June 08, 2007


The Universe, it seems, was unsatisfied with last week's minor respiratory disaster, my walking out of my classroom and into a cloud of mere pepper spray. This morning, the ante was succesfully upped when I was summonsed to sub during my conference for DR, my most ideological opposite in the English department and luckily, my SLC-mate and four-doors-down neighbor. I am sick once again today, with my throat swollen almost shut this morning and having spent all last night shaking with cold and fever, but much as I wanted to spend the period asleep on my couch, I signed the damn paper and headed over there fourth period, and was rewarded with a faceful of freshly-sprayed fire-extinguishing chemical dust.

Working here has made everything normal. I thought, "Hmm. Should probably document," reached into my bag, and pulled out my digi-cam. Then, covered face and opened windows, took kids waiting on balcony to my room where I supplied them with markers and a small stack of books on tagging, called the front office, and texted everyone I know to let them in on the story. DR is pretty universally loathed; I knew it would be the pick-me-up everyone needed on a dull, plodding Friday like today.

At this rate, I fully expect to be mustard-gassed by the end of the school year.


annie said...

what the heck?

mina said...

Yeah, DR is on the way out and isn't even trying to teach anymore, resulting in rowdier-than-usual kids. On top of that, the teacher subbing that period has legendarily bad classroom management. Rowdy kids + easy-to-take-advantage-of sub = fire extinguising fun. I figure, at least they didn't actually start a fire first, just sprayed the chemicals everywhere.

What astounds me is that the subbing teacher didn't stick around to call the deans or write a note or anything. Just closed up the room and headed back to class. WTF?

annie said...

i take it that this sub will not be asked back? or are you like us and desperately need bodies?

hey, guess what? we had a non-reelect up and quit on us last month.

that's never happened since i've been here. it's not just the kids being squirrely.

mina said...

It was period-to-period coverage, meaning that it was a permanent teacher. Argh. A math teacher, of course. You'd have to hold a kid off the roof by his ankles to get fired with that credential.

annie said...

not necessarily.

MM said...

yeah I think one would have to let go of said ankles, it would also have to be on video, and several witnesses present

Alan said...

dang it! ^

that is me, not Margaret.
I seriously need to separate our logins, she owns my googlenets