Wednesday, May 30, 2007

mmmm. peppery.

Highlights of my day:

I breathed pepper spray for the first time! And it wasn’t even a fight, just some kids goofing around in the hallway connecting my classroom to the rest of the school (naturally.) I stepped in to head to the restroom and got a lungful. It’s like the first time you’re in an earthquake; despite your lack of prior experience, you immediately know exactly what is going on. It really feels like pepper, if that makes sense, and then your eyes water, and you cough violently, and later you get a headache. Or maybe that’s from the graffiti remover I used this morning – who can really say.

One of the other SLC’s leads is attempting to take a room in our rotation. This is incredibly freaking unacceptable. I am hoping it is resolved before I have to scream and yell about it.

Highlights from ESL 4 translations of Romeo and Juliet:

SAMPSON: No, sir, I do not talk smack at you, sir, but I do talk smack, sir.

ROMEO: Is she a Capulet? Oh dear, my life is a mess.

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