Monday, May 21, 2007

Master of Scheduling.

First off, I've decided I need to do something about how infrequently I post. I find that I tend to shy away from posting because it seems like it's going to eat up a whole bunch of time. And usually, it does. So, short and sweet and if not everything gets covered, who is going to be the wiser?

Bullet points!

-I've been back at work for about three weeks now, three weeks of rock n' roll Romeo and Juliet action. Tonight is the first in about 2 weeks that I left school without attending any other obligation from the three-thirty-to-five-thirty slot. I made the mistake of showing up for the master scheduling info session - the master being the schoolwide course schedule of what's being taught, when, and by whom - and ended up programming the whole damn thing for my small learning community, which necessitated a lot of out-of-classroom time and a reevaluation of the science chair, who is honestly a huge ass, but who did teach me to do the master and then check it for me to make sure I hadn't screwed it up too royally.

-Also, I've been doing hiring stuff. This goes hand-in-hand, really, since I'm the only one who knows how many new positions my SLC is opening (three) and who's leaving (three or four more) and all that sort of thing. We haven't hired anyone yet, but our need is dire and it looks like we may eventually have to go with the hated Program. Ugh. I have made it known that no one will be hired from The Program unless I am present at the interview and give my approval, but it's not like anyone has been going to the rest of the hiring things, so I am probably not in any danger there.

-Finally, FINALLY, I am able to really work. That sounds funny but I don't know how else to explain it. My incredibly draining 3rd period class leaves, and instead of curling up on the couch during 4th and reading a book or wishing it would all go away or eating mini Twix and pretending I'm not there, I can actually plan, or make handouts, or grade. And my plans make sense now. They're not just "Hey! Let's do this now, maybe!" Let the record show that I am not the shittiest teacher The Program has ever had, and it has taken me two years just to get here. To be fair, if I had always thought I would leave after two years I might have rushed things along, and put off my mental collapse for a later a-splosion. But the earthquake method - lots of little shakes to release the tension - seems to have worked well, and I am feeling really good right now, like I might someday get to be a really good teacher, if I do not murder my entire 3rd period and have to flee the country in the meantime.

-This week is state testing. YAY! or not. I'll go with not. I have my second period ALL DAY tomorrow - from 7:35 to a mercifully early 2:11. We are going to have loads of fun, us and our state-issued bubble sheets.

-Crazy upcoming weekend alert: Friday is prom and crazy teacher after-prom party (possibly at a hotel if assman science chair's new fiance's brother, who is a hotel manager, hooks us up), and then Saturday a couple of us drive up and spend a few days in the bay. Wooooooot.

-My ESL students are reading Romeo and Juliet! And they are getting it! Woooooooooot x 1000. Jackpot, I win the internets.

-Also, I got into my MA program, which starts in September. So I am about to be a Master of Education as well. Buahaha.

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